
Common Goals Community

Common Goals featured in LA Times article about California sobriety initiative

Common Goals was recently featured in an LA Times article about an experimental California program that pays drug users to stay sober. ‘“It’s that little something that’s holding me accountable,” said Coburn, a former construction worker who has tried repeatedly to kick his habit. He is motivated to stay clean to fight criminal charges for […]

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Positive Test Rate for Fentanyl & Other Drugs Spikes During Coronavirus Pandemic

A Millienium Health analysis of drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic shows the positive test rate for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and especially fentanyl has increased drastically. Results of studies show a sharp increase in the use of these drugs, jumping to 3% for methamphetamine and nearly 5% for fentanyl – much higher than the pre-pandemic […]

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Common Goals is Open for All Services, Taking Precautions to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus

Common Goals is open for all services during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, including Groups, 1-on-1s and Intakes. We are accepting new clients. All personnel are wearing masks and maintaining social distancing, and all clients must wear masks before entering. All personnel and clients are screened before entering the building to maintain a safe environment. Call […]

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Women’s Recovery Residence is Now Open

6-28-2019 Common Goals is happy to announce our first Recovery Residence for women is now open! A second house will follow in the 2019-2020 fiscal year, as well as our third men’s Recovery Residence.

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